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U.S. Kids and Teens Health

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The listings in this category contain kids and teens health resources in the United States, offering information on pediatric health and wellness. These resources include tips for healthy growth, common childhood illnesses, and adolescent health issues. List your kids and teens health resource to connect with parents and guardians seeking information on child health.

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  • Children's Neuroblastoma Cancer Foundation - Information about and support for the treatment of childhood neuroblastoma.
  • Drgreene.com - Topics on childrens health include bed-wetting, ear infections, eating/nutrition, potty training, ADHD and sleeping.
  • Eckerd Youth Alternatives - A private not-for-profit organization that serves at-risk youth ages 8-18 through residential and community-based programs.
  • Enfamil A.R. - Offers information about Enfamil A.R., a formula designed to reduce spit up in infants.
  • Healthy Kids - Florida healthy kids is a public/private organization providing quality health insurance to Florida's children.
  • Pediatrician Reviews and Ratings - Find and research local pediatricians, including ratings, contact information, and more.
  • PediatRiconcall - Medical website with medical information on pediatrics, symptoms, medicine and children health.
  • Teen Help.com - Articles on teen health issues including suicide, pregnancy, drug abuse, mental health, puberty, and more.
  • TeenHealthFX.com - Online resource for any and all questions regarding your health, your relationships, your body and your sexuality.
  • TeensHealth - Offer information and advice about health, relationships, and growing up.
  • ViaCord - A company that provides cord blood banking and finding new treatments using cord blood stem cells.
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