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U.S. Fitness and Exercise

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The listings in this category contain fitness and exercise resources in the United States, offering information on physical activity and wellness. These resources include workout plans, fitness classes, and exercise equipment. List your fitness and exercise resource to connect with individuals seeking to improve their physical health.

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  • Fitness.gov - is the health, physical activity, fitness and sports information website of the President's Council on physical fitness & sports.
  • Men's Health - Magazine for men containing information on health, fitness, weight loss, bodybuilding exercises and more.
  • Women Fitness - Guide to women health and fitness. Offers exercises, daily tips, motivation, and articles to achieve health fitness programs.
  • Atkins - Offers weight loss website with weight loss programs, weight loss recipes and products.
  • ExerShare - Offers users to find, share and discuss exercise videos, workout plans, articles, nutrition plans and more.
  • Hiperfit - Offers a high performance fitness with private personal training centers located in Miami Beach Flordia.
  • Home Fitness Guru - Offers fitness tips, guides and health news, focused on the US. Provides Total Gym reviews and home fitness equipment top lists.
  • Treadmill Reviews - Offers treadmill reviews on all of the major brands and models.
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