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U.S. Price Comparison

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The listings in this category contain price comparison resources in the United States, helping consumers compare prices and find the best deals. These resources include price comparison websites, apps, and tools. List your price comparison service to connect with consumers seeking to make informed purchasing decisions.

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  • Bizrate - Allow users to compare prices, read reviews, and find the best deals on a wide range of products from various online retailers.
  • Price.com - A shopping search engine and directory that provides easy search and price comparison of products.
  • PriceGrabber - An online comparison shopping that offers information about products, services, merchants and sellers.
  • PriceReel - US based shopping mall where you can compare prices before you buy, find the best deals, also promote your products for free.
  • Shopping.com - A price comparison shopping site that offers product reviews, and store ratings.
  • Shopsavvy - Helps you find and compare the products you want and enjoy the cheapest prices on a wide range of top brand products.
  • Versus - Comparison shopping search engine that provides product listings, user community reviews, social network and personal shopping.
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