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U.S. Ecology

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The listings in this category contain ecology resources in the United States, including research, conservation efforts, and environmental impact studies. These resources provide valuable information on the interactions between organisms and their environments. Discover a variety of ecology resources in the United States to support your interest and research in environmental science.

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  • American Ecology - Provides environmental services to producers and handlers of hazardous, toxic, PCBs, and low-level radioactive wastes.
  • California Chaparral Institute - A research and educational organization studying the chaparral biome, Mediterranean climates.
  • Center for Plant Conservation - A non-profit network of institutions dedicated to conserving and restoring America's native plants.
  • Dept. of Ecology - Protects, preserves and enhances Washington's environment, and promotes the wise management of air, land and water.
  • Desert Animals & Wildlife - Offers informative pages about the North American deserts and its animals.
  • Ecological Society of America - Seeks to promote the responsible application of ecological data and principles to the solution of environmental problems.
  • Ecology Center - Provides the public with reliable information, tools, hands-on training, referrals, strategies, infrastructure, and more.
  • Ecology Global Network - Informs, educates and inspires the global community to respect, restore and protect our natural and human world.
  • Environmental Literacy Council - Dedicated to helping citizens, especially young people, participate wisely in this arena.
  • National Fish & Wildlife Foundation - Conserves healthy populations of fish, wildlife and plants, on land and in the sea.
  • National Park Service - Offers information on biological resources, such as animal and plant life, in our national parks.
  • National Wildlife Federation - Inspires Americans to protect wildlife for our children's future.
  • New Ecology, Inc. - Promotes development solutions that deliver positive economic, environmental, and social returns.
  • Nicodemus Wilderness Project - Dedicated to protecting Earth's biodiversity and ecosystems through education, outreach, and volunteerism.
  • U.S. Fish and Wildlife - Aims to conserve, protect and enhance fish, wildlife, and plants and their habitats.
  • Urban Ecology - Specialized in urban planning, ecology, and public participation to help design and build healthier cities.
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