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US Earth Sciences

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This category lists earth sciences resources in the United States, including geology, meteorology, and environmental science. These resources provide valuable insights into the study of the Earth and its processes. Explore comprehensive earth sciences resources in the United States to support your research and learning.

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  • American Geological Institute - A nonprofit federation of 45 geoscientific and professional associations.
  • Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. - A multi-disciplinary, professional geoTechnical engineering, hydrogeological, geological, and environmental consulting firm.
  • CIESIN - Offers spatial data integration and training, and interdisciplinary research related to human interactions in the environment.
  • Earth Science Week - A national and international event to help the public gain a better understanding and Appreciation for the Earth Sciences.
  • Ground Water Atlas Archive - Atlas of principal bedrock aquifers, aquifer systems and ground water in the United States.
  • U.S. Geological Survey - A source for science about the Earth, its natural and living resources, natural hazards, and the environment.
  • U.S. State Geologic Maps - Offers maps of state geology, bedrock, sediments and structures.
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