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U.S. Dictionaries

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The listings in this category contain dictionaries in the United States, including language, subject-specific, and online dictionaries. These resources provide definitions and explanations of words and terms. Discover a variety of dictionaries in the United States to enhance your vocabulary and understanding.

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  • Dictionary.com - A free online English dictionary, thesaurus and reference guide, crossword puzzles and other word games.
  • Jumpstart Dictionary - A dictionary building software for realtime reporters and captioners.
  • Merriam Webster - A searchable dictionary and also with thesaurus, medical terms, Scrabble and Spanish.
  • Spanish Dictionary - Provides a dictionary were users can search or translate from English language to Spanish words or sentence or vice versa.
  • Word Spy - Specialized in new and recently coined words.
  • yourDictionary.com - A comprehensive and authoritative language portal with every resource needed for language study.
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