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U.S. Journalism

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This category lists journalism resources in the United States, including news articles, investigative reports, and media ethics. These resources provide valuable information and insights into the world of journalism. Explore comprehensive journalism resources in the United States to stay updated with the latest news and understand media practices.

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  • American Society of Newspaper Editors - A membership organization for daily newspaper editors, people who serve the editorial needs of daily newspapers.
  • Journalism.org - An initiative by journalists to clarify and raise the standards of American journalism through research and education.
  • AlterNet - Creates original journalism and amplifies the best of dozens of other independent media.
  • American Journalism Review - A national magazine that covers all aspects of print, television, radio and online media.
  • American Press Institute - Devoted solely to training and professional development for the news industry and journalism educators.
  • CMPA - A nonpartisan research and educational organization which conducts scientific studies of the news and entertainment media.
  • Columbia Journalism Review - Encourages and stimulates excellence in journalism in the service of a free society.
  • Columbia School of Journalism - The Graduate School of Journalism at Columbia University.
  • Editor and Publisher - Provides coverage of the newspaper industry, including business, newsroom, advertising, circulation, marketing, and syndicates.
  • Freedom Forum - A nonpartisan foundation dedicated to free press, free speech and free spirit for all people.
  • Investigative Reporters - Provides educational services to reporters, editors and others interested in investigative journalism.
  • Journalists of Color, Inc. - A strategic alliance advocating fair and accurate news coverage about people of color.
  • Reporter.org - Provides a variety of resources to journalists, journalism educators, and the public at large via the Web.
  • Stateline.org - A resource for newsmen and newswomen who cover state government of the United States.
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