This category lists websites for animal and pet-related associations dedicated to various aspects of pet care and welfare. Connect with organizations that support pet owners and animals.
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- American Pet Products Association - APPA is made up pet product manufacturers, importers and livestock suppliers with the purpose of promoting pets products.
- Global Pet Expo - Presents pet industry’s largest annual trade show for the latest and greatest products available for all types of pets.
- National Wildlife Federation - Is dedicated to safeguard wildlife and habitat, inspire and advocate for wildlife conservation and connects kids with nature.
- Sea Turtle Conservancy - STC ensure the survival of sea turtles through research, training, public education, community outreach, advocacy and protection.
- SuperZoo - Brings the pet world together, create a healthier, happier and productive pet industry among the product suppliers and pet owners.
- WAZA - Tends to guide, encourage and support the zoos, aquariums and related organizations of the world in animal care and welfare.
- Zoo Chat - The forum focuses on animal conservation and nature in general and has a wide audience of zoo and animal conservation enthusiasts.
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