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Child Care

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The listings in this category contain child care resources for parents, including tips, services, and support for raising kids and teens. These resources offer guidance and solutions to help parents provide the best care for their children. Discover a range of child care options and advice to support your family's needs.

Home » United States » Kids and Teens » Child Care

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  • Child Care Associates - Child Care Associates has grown into the largest private, nonprofit child care company in the area.
  • Child Care Aware of Minnesota - Providers through grants and education and informs the community on the importance of child care.
  • Child Care Links Inc - Child Care Links is committed to expanding and enhancing the quality of child care in Baltimore County.
  • Child Care Resources - Promotes equity for children, community stability, and school readiness.
  • ChildCareGroup - Promotes, deliver, and expand the best child care services available outside the home.
  • Iowa Child Care Resource & Referral - Provides a consistent set of core services to parents, child care providers, employers and community groups.
  • Research Connections - Offers research in child care and early education and the use of that research in policy making.
  • USA.gov - Child Care - Website offers information child care, child care topics, head start program locator and tips.
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